Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Family Foto Fun!

Hi friends! So, a few weeks ago Mommy and Daddy and I all went downtown. I didn't know what was going on, but we met up with a really sweet friend of Mommy's and she took a bunch of pictures of us all! You know how I love having my picture taken, and Ms. Heidi was AWESOME! She let me run around and be a manaic, so it was totally awesome, and the pictures came out so good! I was surprised they looked as good as they do since Daddy is in some, but that just shows you how cool Heidi is!

You should totally check out her Web site and give her a holler.

Here's a peek at some of the pictures!

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

Pretty cool huh?!? Seriously, a BIG SHOUT OUT to Ms. Heidi for being SO awesome. You all should totally check out her site, I mean it! Tell her Sophie sent you!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


YO! I have lots to share with you about Halloween and all that, but I had to pop in here real quick and let you know there's a MONSTER on the loose!

Mamma and dadda TRUST this guy! But let me tell you, he's up to no good. I no like him! If you see this guy at the mall or something, run for your life! I can't believe mamma and dadda say that he's going to come into our house one night soon. Who in their right minds would let a maniac like this into the house!!

Friends, here's the photographic evidence. Watch out, I kid you not!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Spring into Fall!

My how time flies! Summer has passed into Fall here in Central Illinois, and I thought it might be a good time to catch all my fans up on my happenings.

So I had a pretty cool summer. One thing we did a few times, as I've mentioned, was go to the pool. Like at first I wasn't too sure, but by the end of the summer I thought it was pretty awesome! Everyone thought me and mommy were pretty cool in our swimsuits.
From Kickin It With Sophie

And daddy would take me floating on the lazy river. We'd go around and around and I'd look at all the people and chillax!
From Kickin It With Sophie

So man have I been busy partying! Just last week I moved from the infant room to the toddler room at daycare. I was sad to leave my friends Missy and Paige behind, but ta ta to the rest of those babies! We do all sorts of cool stuff in the toddler room like sleep on mats and play on a jungle gym. Pretty soon I'm going to rule that place!!

I have already pretty much taken over at home. Whatever I want, I just shake my finger at daddy or mommy and tell them to spring into action! Like sometimes I want some oatmeal, and I get it. By the way, oatmeal is pretty awesome, if you don't know.
From Kickin It With Sophie

So now that it's Fall, mommy and daddy have been talking about Halloween a lot. I'm not sure I understand this special day, but apparently it has something to do with humiliating your children and then giving them candy to make up for the embarrassment. Mommy and daddy got me some crazy outfit, so I modeled it for them. They were laughing at me, but you know what? I think I look pretty cool.
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

Sometimes I hear mommy and daddy bemoaning (like that word? I just learned it!) the fact I'm growing up, but there's all sorts of sweet things about being a toddler. I have some KICKIN' new shoes now, and I get to party like a maniac with sidewalk chalk. I can't get mommy and daddy to understand that it tastes great, but they'll come around. I guess it's fun to draw with too!
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

Here's me and woof-woof teaching daddy how to mow the porch. I'm all like, quit messing around with the yard daddy and mow this porch! It's a mess!!
From Kickin It With Sophie

One last update for you folks! We went with our friends Brett and Lyn and Hoyt to a pumpkin farm. At first I was all like, whatever, who cares about a bunch of pumpkin plants. But when I got there, all I can say is whoa! It was totally sweet, and not only did I party like crazy, I got some ice cream, fell in the mud, and ran around like a maniac!

I helped pick out the perfect pumpkin:
From Kickin It With Sophie

As I said, ran around like a maniac:
From Kickin It With Sophie

Got to see a bunch of different cats (mommy and daddy said this was a donkey, but as you can see, clearly a cat):
From Kickin It With Sophie

Made mommy a gourmet meal:
From Kickin It With Sophie

Rode around on a bike:
From Kickin It With Sophie

Rode around in a wagon:
From Kickin It With Sophie

Posed for photos with mommy and daddy:
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

And TOTALLY passed out on the way home from all the fun!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Whew! Told you I've been busy! Well, be kind to each other, the earth, and all its inhabitants friends! I'll be checking in with you soon!

Monday, August 3, 2009

One Year Super Update!!

Ok, ok, I'm going to cut daddy a little slack for not updating my blog lately. It's been summer time, and MAN have we been busy. Mommy had a birthday, grandma and grandpa had birthdays, I had a birthday, and there's been more birthday parties PLUS it's SUMMER, and apparently that means all sorts of cool stuff happens.

So, I'm no longer a baby yo! I'm what's called a toddler now, and toddle is what I do! I am eating grown-up food now, and let me tell you it's awesome! I love it all - some of my favorite foods are waffles, bananas, vegetarian sausage, veggie burgers, avocados, broccoli . . . I mean it, food is cool! And I've left that crawling stuff behind folks! It's all about walking for me now. I waddle all over the house and the yard like a maniac and I love it! Daddy chases me and stomps like the big hungry bear (also a character in one of my favorite books) and I think it's totally hilarious.

Ooooh, I have teeth now too! FOUR of them!! I think it's hilarious to bite daddy's finger when he tries to brush my teeth during bath time. Take that daddy! HA HA!

So, we had some photos taken right before my one-year birthday. I think a few turned out pretty cool.

As you can see, complete cuteness:
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

Showing off my guns!
From Kickin It With Sophie

And then . . . well, let's just say I got a little angry.
From Kickin It With Sophie

So, ummm, I had to go to TIme Out.
From Kickin It With Sophie

But I was all like, yeah, whatever, I can still party and be awesome!
From Kickin It With Sophie

And mommy and daddy and grandma and grandpa and I went on a garden walk and looked at some of the pretty flowers around town. It was HOT, but I had a good time!
From Kickin It With Sophie

And let me tell you how much I love baths! It's a great time, and I get to splash and play in the bubbles!
From Kickin It With Sophie

So, like I was saying, I had my first BIRTHDAY! And it lasted for like a whole week! Mommy and daddy didn't go to work at all so we partied the whole time! They took me to this place called the Discovery Museum. It was cool, and I think as I get older I'm going to want to go there all the time! (Hear that daddy - ALL THE TIME!!!!)
From Kickin It With Sophie

I had to set this girl straight; she was looking at me funny!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Yeah, party time!
From Kickin It With Sophie

And speaking of party time, I had a birthday party! It was sooo cool. Grandma and grandpa came, and so did Aunt Shawn and Uncle Troy, and my cool cousin Aaron! We went CRAZY! Of course, I demanded a Yo Gabba Gabba theme.
From Kickin It With Sophie

And I totally got presents!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Aaron helped me figure some of them out:
From Kickin It With Sophie

And I thought it couldn't get any better!
From Kickin It With Sophie

When, lo and behold, CUPCAKES AND ICE CREAM!!!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Totally awesome.
From Kickin It With Sophie

Daddy said he'd update again soon with some pictures of us partying at the pool and at Uncle Troy and Aunt Shawn's house, so stay tuned!! TTYL!!