Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hi esteemed readership! I trust this latest missive finds you well!

I am awesome, as you might guess. It's getting warmer outside, so my loathing of wearing socks is finally becoming acceptable to mommy and daddy. Things are pretty cool, and I've been learning to do some new things.

I crawl all over the place now, army style, and can pull myself up into a standing position. Mommy and daddy are pretty impressed! I am queen of the house now, and I can't get them to understand that while I like all my toys, why wouldn't I want to grab mommy's flip flops instead and put them in my mouth? I mean, they're totally awesome!

But toys are pretty cool. I have this sweet wagon full of brighly colored bricks, and my favorite thing to do is dump them all out across the floor and then watch daddy try to not step on any. In fact, I have two pictures of me with my wagon.
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

A few weeks ago I spent some time chilling with my good friend Savannah. She's pretty awesome, like me, so we had a blast!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Here I am telling her a hilarious story about the time I spit up all over daddy!
From Kickin It With Sophie

I'm becoming quite the fashion plate. Mommy likes to put new clothes on me and have me model them for her and daddy.
From Kickin It With Sophie

So with the weather being nicer, mommy took me to this park we have in town. It was freaking awesome!! I got to swing for the first time, and it was hilarious!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Check me out; I'm having the time of my life!
From Kickin It With Sophie

After awhile though, I was all like MOMMY QUIT TAKING PICTURES AND GIVE ME AN ALLEY OOP!!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Yeah, I'll tell you what that was an awesome day. And it totally wore me out!
From Kickin It With Sophie

Whew. So as you can see I've been pretty busy! I can't wait for summer to get here so daddy can show me how to plant tomatoes (I love them) and carrots (another favorite of mine!).

Take care folks. Kisses! I've got some crawling to do, and I know those flip flops are around here somewhere!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Whippin' Daddy Into Shape!

So, the other day I was surfing the Web, you know, checking out my stock portfolio, reading the latest Noam Chomsky interview, and I thought I'd check out my site. Man was I in for a surprise! Daddy hadn't updated my blog since the holidays, and that was like, forever ago! So I was all like, YO DADDY! UPDATE MY BLOG!

So finally, here it is. I have been pretty busy, and I'm getting big and really loving my mommy and daddy (except when daddy neglects my blog!). I laugh all the time, and am starting to discover some of my favorite things. Like . . .

From Kickin It With Sophie
From Kickin It With Sophie

And chilling with my grandma and grandpa!
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

Having visitors!
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

And partying!!
From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

From Kickin It With Sophie

Thanks for updating my blog daddy. I gotta stay in touch with my peeps! Later folks, and I promise next time it won't be so long!